MDI Schools Sailing Team Navigates a Successful Fall Season

Our MDI Schools Sailing Team has had a busy fall season this year. Twelve students from grades 7-12 representing three separate schools teamed up and began practice each day after school in early September. The team has competed in the PenBay Sailing League against schools from Camden, Rockland, Booth Bay Harbor and Isleboro. MDI has only one 12th grade senior on board and has placed in the top half of all regattas they sailed this fall. The team is made up of eighty percent female sailors who t will be competing at Maine Maritime Academy on October 26th for the Becton Cup, an all girls event!

The team is coached by John Macauley and is fortunate to have the nine Zim 420s that MDI Community Sailing Center purchased over the last five years. Most days after school our classroom is a busy spot with the sailors catching up on their homework before heading out on the water. The season will wrap up at the end of October when the team helps haul and put the nine 420's into our storage facility for the winter months.

Next up will be The MDI High School Varsity Sailing Team which will begin in the middle of March and run through the end of the school year. Our hopes are to find funding for ten sets of new practice sails for the team. The sails they currently are using are 12 years old and we strongly hope to find a $10,000 sponsor to help us raise new sails in 2025!

Please contact our office at if you wish to help us reach our goal.